Education for Freedom of Choice In Ohlo (EFCO) can provide professionals from all areas to speak to your group or organization on the subject of abortion. EFCO also provides research assistance to students and proles. sionals on reproductive issues. To arrange a speaker, contact EFCO, 439 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio 44114, phone (216) 621-8224.

Women USA Hot Line (800-221-4945) is a 24-hour toll-free number one can dial to hear a taped information and action message on such issues as the ERA, inflation, childcare, ial security, reproductive freedom. jobs, the US budget and other subjects of importance to women Founded by Bella Abzug and five other nationally known women leaders to reach out primarily to unorganized women who identify with women's movement goals of equal rights and economic justice for women. Women USA through its hotline will also give the caller a suggested action-a letter or telegram she can send to Washington, a phone call she can make, a rally she can attend. Other projects planned by Women USA include lobbying in Washington on legislation and issues affecting women, publication of fact sheets, and a campaign to "Send Your Bills to Congress"

A Women's Health Fair will be held Saturday, October 18. from 10 a m. to 1 p.m. at the Kaiser Foundation Hospital, 2475 East Boulevard, in the Obstetrics/Gynecology Offices in Building B Informational sessions will include contraceptive counseling, pregnancy/sonogram demonstrations. menopause, and other topics of interest to women

The GEAUGA WOMEN'S CENTER,11984 Caves Road, Chesterland, Ohio, at the northwest corner of Wilson Mills and Caves Road (Community Church of Chesterland, downstairs), has a Orop-In Center open the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 8 to 10 p.m Offered are support groups, self-help/health, information, and referral service on doctors, lawyers, therapists, social services and divorce, and various speakers The group needs leedback (good or bad) to expand its referral lists Come share your experiences For further information, call 729-1199. or call Nancy at 729-4887. Sue at 338-8398, or Sally al 423-3871

Displaced Homemakers (women who have lost the support they were dependent upon) can get help through the Displaced Homemakers Program at all campuses of Cuyahoga Community College. The program offers services to help women become "job ready" and self-supporting. No fees are charged. To be eligible, a woman must have worked without pay as a homemaker for her family, not been gainfully employed, and be at least 35 years old. Courses include how to find and keep a job, interviewing, community resources, and budgeting. Call the campus nearest you Metro, 241-5966: Western, 845-4000, Ext. 250, or Eastern, 464-1450, Ext 275

An appeal has gone out from Lucille Provero, President of the Elizabeth Cady Stanton Foundation, for donations to save and preserve the Stanton home, which has been threatened by a housing development project. The foundation's goal is to raise the necessary funding to purchase the house from Valph Peters, the Seallle man who bought it last year as an interim preservation move Tax deductible contributions may be sent to the Foun dation, 32 Washington Street. Seneca Falls, NY 13148. Elizabeth Cady Stanton conceived the resolutions included in the First Women's Rights Convention Declaration of Sentiments July 19. 1848

WOMEN IN SOLAR ENERGY, a conference to recognize and educate women in solar technology, will be offered October 20-21 at the Universi ly of Massachusetts/Amherst The program will include introductory and advanced sessions, panels, group discussions, and hands-on workshops Topics to be covered are solar applications, education. money, organizing for action, and training. This event will take place in Conjunction with the Fifth National Passive Solar Conference of the American Section of the International Solar Energy Society. For more information write WISE/Passive Solar 1980. Box 778, Brattleboro, VT 05301, or call (413) 545-3450.

THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS is planning a special issue on racism and anti-semitism as they affect women and youth within the criminal justice system. You are encouraged to make a contribution to this issue, whether it be a paragraph, a poem, a graphic, an interview, or an article. If you write us, be sure to add 'ATTN: Coordinating Committee" to the Iront of the envelope. For further information, call Stephanie at (206) 323-2215, Janice at (206) 325-8031, or Ann at (206) 325-8031. Through the Looking Glass is a collective of 15 women who do jail and prison support work. Their newsletter provides and encourages a radical analysis of different forms of incarceration, and provides space for women and youth inside to communicate with the outside and each other to try to break the isolation of those in prison.

Women in Appointed Office Project is a new program initiated by the Cuyahoga Women's Political Caucus and administered by WomenSpace. Its objective is to draw women into public decision-making through appointive office. in Cuyahoga County. A long-term objective is to explore corporate, state and federal appointments for qualified women. Send your resume to be filed in the talent bank. A "Public Service Interest"' questionnaire will be sent to you to discover your interests and qualifications. Also, encourage other women to submit resumes and develop their potential for public office. For questionnaire and information, call Connie Kobalka, Project Director, 696-6967.

On the 60th anniversary of their first vote in a national election. US women will be urged to show dramatically the power and potential of their ballots. The Continuing Committee of the National Women's Conterence will call upon women to vote after 4:00 p.m. on election day, November 4, 1980, to make a visible demonstration to politicians and to women 0. the voting power they hold in this country. The IWY Continuing Committee adopted the declaration May 16 and will work with national organiza tions supporting women's issues to mount the campaign "We hope that voting after lour will become an election day tradition until women's issues receive the priority they deserve," said Anne Turpeau, Co-Chair of the Committee..

The Cleveland Pro-Choice Action Committee meets monthly For more inlormation call 321-6143 or 621-8224.

The first annual Woman of Promise Award for previously unpublished women writers is being sponsored by the Feminist Writers' Guild in conjunction with the Guild's New York Chapter. The award will be sponsored yearly for differing literary forms and will be administered by different Guild chapters on a rotating basis. The 1980-1981 award will be in poetry and will be administered by the New York Chapter. All Guild members are eligible to become candidates for the award. Candidates must be previously unpublished and must be current members of the Feminist Writers' Guild as verified by the Guild administrator. Yearly membership dues are $10 regular/$5 low income and should be sent to the Feminis! Writers' Guild, P.O. Box 9396, Berkeley, CA 94709. A candidate may join the Guild in order to quality for the award.

All entries must be typed. Each wriler can submit up to three poems or a maximum of six pages. Exceptions to length may be made only in cases when a single poem exceeds six pages. Name, address, and ZIP Code should be placed in the upper right corner of the first page of each poem. On succeeding pages of a poem, the title and page number should appear in the upper right corner of the 81⁄2 x 11'' paper. A $2 entry fee must accompany each manuscript.

Manuscripts for the 1980-1981 Award in Poetry may be submitted until November 15, 1980. Winners will be selected by January 15, 1981.

The FREE CLINIC is offering individual and group counseling for victims of incest on Tuesday evenings between 7:00 and 10:00 p.m. To make an appointment, call 721-4010 and say you want an appointment with Joyce Spencer or Jan Felixson. There are no lees or eligibility requirements at the Free Clinic (12201 Euclid Avenue).

WomanFair, the third annual conference of the South Central Women's Studies Association, will take place at the University of Texas at Arlington, October 18-19, 1980. 92 panels and workshops have been scheduled, as well as exhibits and presentations of the visual and performing arts. Participants include Ann Richards, candidate for Lt. Governor of Texas; Alexis Herman, Director of the Women's Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Labor; Stella Stevens, actress, who; will show her documentary "The American Heroine:" the jazz group "Alive" and representatives in banking, psychology, social services, academics. politics, religion, community organizations, filmmakers, artisans, publishers, writers, musicians, and actors. For information, contact Jeanne Ford, P. O. Box 19528 UTA Station, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas 76019. Phone: (817) 273-2219.

Women USA, a communications network for women's groups, is circulating copies of A People's Petition for Reproductive Freedom to send to federal, state and local representatives. Their goal is to collect a million signatures from the grassroots level. The petition informs representatives that signers: (1) support reproductive freedom as a fundamental human right, as basic as freedom of speech, the press or religion; (2) oppose government interference with this right, whether it takes the form of proposed additions to the Constitution to outlaw abortion, or legislative restrictions on abortion funding that punish and endanger the lives of poor women; and (3) believe the right of the individual lo make free and informed decisions on childbirth, contraception, sterilization and abortion is part of a constitutionally protected right to privacy that no arbitrary court or legistative act can be allowed to inhibit. If you are interested in circulating copies to friends and/or women's groups, contact Mim Kelber. Women USA, P. O. Box 8214, Washington, D.C. 20024.

The National Women's Health Network has published a set of nine health resource guides, covering menopause, hysterectomy, breast cancer. childbirth, DES, self-help. birth control, abortion and sterilization The guides are $3 each or $20 for a complete set, and are available from the National Women's Health Network, 224 7th St., SE, Washington, DC 20003. (202) 223-6886

Feminist Writers Guild meets the second Monday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Cleveland Heights Public Library, 2345 Lee Road Or you may contact Pal at 791-0311 (eve) or Jan at 475-0075 (eve)

The Lolita Raclin Rodgers Memorial Feminist Film Conference will be held Friday. November 14, through Sunday. November 16. 1980, at the Speech Building. 1906 Sheridan Road, Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois Although there have been a number of feminist film lestivals, this will be the first conference in the United States devoted to feminist film criticism. There is no charge for any of the conference events For further information contact Gina Marchetti or Gretchen Bis plingholf c/o The Feminar, Northwestern University Film Division, 1905 Sheridan Road, Evanston IL 60201

The Invisible Alcoholics: Women and Alcohol Abuse in America. by Marian Sandmaier. McGraw-Hill, $9.95 Former director of Women's Programs for the National Clearing House for Alcohol Information (HEW) and board member of the National Women's Health Network, Sandmaier reveals why women drink, why treatments designed for men won't work for women and what does work, why women alcoholics experience more depression, polydrug addiction, and suicide than men A "Women ́s Guide" section gives up-to-date, practical information on sources of help for the drinking woman

The Dinner Party will be shown in Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, New York, October 18 through January 18, sponsored by the Friends of the Dinner Party

NOW Gay Women's Rap Group is an informal rap group meeting the 3rd Sunday of each month at 3 00 pm sharp If you are tired of the bar scene and would like to meet with your sisters in a less destructive man ner, contact Joye al 268-4308 or Kay at 761-8971 after 5 00 for more in formation. The next meeting is October 19

DIGNITY, an organization for Catholic and other Christian gay women and men, welcomes new members Meetings are at Hallinan Center. CWRU. the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, beginning with a women's meeting at 7 pm and Mass and a program at 8 pm For more information, call Patti at 321-9456.

WomenSpace is starting a network for women business-owners The pur pose of this network, which developed from a workshop given at the Women Mean Business seminar May 28, is to bring businesswomen together to share ideas, information and support For more information, call Linda Batway at 696-6767.

Cleveland Women's Choir. Anyone interested in singing feminist music, drop in al 3178 Meadowbrook on Thursday evenings, 7 30, or call Penny at 932-3326.


Classified Ad Rate: $.20 per word

Feminist share with same west side apartment. Darlene, 529-1398, after 12 noon.

City housing for wimmin. Info: 621-9351.

Household of 2 women and 2 men looking for a 5th female housemate, over 25. In University Circle area. Cooperative living. If interested, call 231-8185 (eves).

Finding Myself by Elizabeth Anne Umlah. A compelling collection of poetry tracing a woman's personal journey. Three dollars by mail order. Counterpoint Productions is also eager to discuss your publishing needs. Contact us at Post Office Box CY 442, 400 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02215.

October, 1980/What She Wants/Page 11